Advanced Jury Strategy: Announcing a New Online CLE Resource for Litigators


This week, Sound Jury Consulting launched its CleverEd Continuing Legal Education program. This is an incredible resource for litigators to earn CLE credits online while learning advanced jury strategy. CleverEd launched with 10 online programs, with two additional ethics programs coming this month, and many more programs to be added in the future.

CleverEd CLE programs are incredibility unique because they are packed full of resources often not found in other courses, including video clips of mock jury deliberations and mock voir dire. Our witness prep program includes a lot of deposition video clips showing the right and wrong ways to perform in depo. Our Trial Graphics program walks attorneys through numerous examples of actual trial graphics and their design and purpose. Our Advanced Jury Strategy Series uses an actual case fact pattern and mock jury deliberations on that case to walk attorneys through case strategy development and other trial prep topics.

We are discounting all programs and subscriptions between now and the end of 2020. Purchase individual programs for as low as $65 or get a one-year subscription to all of our programs, including all programs added over the course of your subscription year for only $299. Currently, all programs have been pre-approved for CLE credit in Washington state, with more states to be added in the coming months.

Our current program list includes:

  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Jury Decision-Making (1 WA CLE credit)
  • Rethinking How You Prepare Your Witnesses for Deposition (1 WA CLE credit)
  • How to Craft Effective Themes and Stories in Litigation (1 WA CLE credit)
  • Winning (or Losing) Big: The Hidden Influences Behind Jury Damage Awards (1 WA CLE credit)
  • Rethinking Your Jury Selection Strategy (1.25 WA CLE credits)
  • Visual Persuasion: Exploring Trial Graphics Concepts and Strategies (1 WA CLE credit)
  • Beyond Persuasion: Key Milestones in Jury Deliberations and How to Control Them (1 WA CLE credit)
  • Advanced Jury Strategy Series: Crafting Persuasive Themes (1.5 WA CLE credits)
  • Advanced Jury Strategy Series: Dissecting Jury Deliberations (1.5 WA CLE credits)
  • Advanced Jury Strategy Series: Developing an Effective Jury Selection Strategy (1 WA CLE credit)

Programs coming this month include:

  • Jury Tampering and Ethics: Case Studies and Concerns in the Digital Age (1 WA Ethics CLE credit)
  • The Boundaries of Ethical Jury Research (1 WA Ethics CLE credit)

Check out the trailer for CleverEd Continuing Legal Education:

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Becoming a Better Orator in the Courtroom

***Co-written by Jeffrey Jarman, Ph.D. In our two-plus decades of watching attorney presentations in the courtroom, the most consistent attorney trait we